COURSE START: September 29th, 2025
• Scholarships covering from 4.000€ to 6.000€ of the total tuition fee for the first year and 4.000€ for the second year of the Master of Arts Programme.
Imagine to be in touch with a community of hi-tech preppers: people who want to get ready to create future small communities of peers, living far from big cities and from society in general, to build new self-sustainable villages populated by few dozens of peaceful inhabitants.
They love nature and technology at the same time, and they are developing their vision both considering the worst case scenario, in which they will be forced to leave their homes due to natural disasters, civil wars or a global conflict, and the best case scenario, in which they will do it deliberately after having chosen a good area to create their new utopian society, while being able to maintain a certain degree of contact with their former lives. This community – we will call them “the Woodists” – is asking you support to get ready for their future.
The Woodists are planning to live in a very “light” way: owning few objects, being sustainable, being self-sufficient for a long time.
One of the objects of their dreams is what they call “the snail pack”, a backpack small enough to be transported by a single person which contains the basic materials needed for surviving plus one tool, which still does not exist, which should let the owner of the “snail pack” be able to create whatever he needs to start building a new small village hosting a safe, lively and happy community. Obviously more people travelling together would bring with them more “snail packs”, at least one for each family. Applicants are asked to design the concept of the “snail pack tool”, considering that, as they already know, it should not exceed the size of a big backpack, the weight of around 20Kg, and that it can use a mix of old technologies and hi-tech features such as AI systems and digital fabrication tools.
Applicants do not need to define the technological details and the final design, but to provide a concept and the associated guidelines for future development, considering realistic feasibility limitations, economic viability and social acceptability in a term of 10 years from today.
APPLY NOW When you submit your project you will receive an immediate confirmation email that your submission was received. If you do not receive a confirmation, let us know at: